
How could I pass this town by?  With districts called Gateshead, Jesmond, Wickham & Wallsend and nearby places called Hexham, Dudley, Lambton, Rothbury & Stockton - the names all seemed familar, even if they all looked different!. There's even a Gosford nearby - close, but no cigar.  (Sadly there was no Ashington.)

Extensive coal deposits led to Newcastle becoming a major shipping and commercial centre by the mid-1800s.  Iron and Steel mills completed the town's industrialisation.  The steel mills have closed, but it's still the biggest coal port in the world.

The parallels with its namesake on Tyneside are quite amazing.  One big difference though, is that Newcastle NSW has some excellent beaches.  In fact they even export a lot of sand... most of it to Hawaii!



Specially purchased in Alice Springs and about to visit its namesake (55kb) Does anyone on Tyneside really call it 'dog'? (44kb)
The names look familiar.... (60kb) Jesmond?  In Newcastle?  Surely not?!?!? (50kb)
Well... erm... yes (53kb) There's Nobby's head in the distance (45kb)
newcastle tourism
nsw flag

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