barcelona 1

Due to them a) forgetting what day of the week it was, and b) finding the train was fully booked; Tammy and Annie were not able to meet me in Barcelona as planned.  This left me with a problem - how to survive for 24 hours in a city when you don't speak a word of Spamish or Catalan. The answer was simple... find an Iriah bar!  

So I did.  Strolling along La Rambla - where you can see such delights as kermit-playing-a-miniature-piano and people-dancing-for-money.

Anyway, a suitable bar was located and I settled down with a Guinness.  Coincidentally, that day was the final of the All-Ireland Hurling Championship. - and the bar had its fair quota of Cork fans.  Unfortunately for them Kilkenny beat Cork 1-14 to 1-11 - but mere defeat does not stand in the way of having a good time and a good drink.  (As it turned out, over the next few days I found no less than 4 Irish bars - and there are probably lots more.)

It's Kermit! (47kb) Tango for cash (45kb) Annie just crashlands in Barcelona (25kb)
Tammy hasn't slept much (62kb) DSC02594.jpg (80kb) Mercat de la Boqueria (85kb)
Annie's buying sweets (84kb) Anti-US feeling following the Iraq war (58kb) DSC02600.jpg (84kb)
DSC02601.jpg (86kb) Placa Garibaldi (94kb) Looking towards Las Ramblas (59kb)
360° view of plaça reial
catalan flag

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