parc de la ciutadella

The Museu Picasso is a must-see place - in particular featuring many of Picasso's earlier works that were produced when he lived in Barcelona.

The Parc de la Ciutadella (Citadel) was a fomer miltary compound that was converted to become a public park for the 1888 World Fair.  Approached from the Plaça de l´Arc de Triomf, the arch itself made an imposing gateway to the fair.

The monumental fountain (also constructed for the 1888 World Fair) was designed by Josep Fontseré - who was assisted by one Antoni Gaudí (at that time unknown).  It supposed to resemble a giant crab, the pincers forming the stairs.

The Museu Picasso (56kb) Arc de Triomf (58kb) Arc de Triomf (83kb)
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DSC02781.jpg (75kb) Mamuth - Tammy doesn't seem that impressed (86kb) DSC02783.jpg (50kb)
DSC02784.jpg (68kb) These heavy metal fans get everywhere (44kb) DSC02787.jpg (67kb)
museu picasso
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