ring of kerry


Lee peruses the Atlantic (27kb) DSC00818.jpg (25kb) DSC00819.jpg (24kb)
DSC00822.jpg (28kb) Lee's reckons he's found a €50 note in this ancient Celtic fort (67kb) DSC00827.jpg (53kb)
Sheeeeeeep! (42kb) It's a bit windy in Waterville (46kb) DSC00830.jpg (36kb)
Picking Charlie's pocket (51kb) Yes, it is a statue of Charlie Chaplin in a remote corner of south west Ireland (47kb) He spent many holidays here in Waterville with his family back in the 1960s (71kb)
DSC00834.jpg (26kb) DSC00835.jpg (64kb) DSC00838.jpg (27kb)
munster flag

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