about this site  

The pictures have been 'optimised' to reduce the file size from around 200kb to 50kb, this makes them quicker to load.  However, it means if you wanted to print them, the quality may not be very good.  So if you'd like me to e-mail you a copy of the original picture, just drop me a line via the feedback page.

If you're featured on one of the pictures and for reasons of taste, decency or shyness, you'd rather it wasn't on a public website - then let me know via the feedback page.  Or if you were on one of the Contiki tours and you have a great photo you'd like me to add onto the site - again just drop me a line.

You can now search the site (perhaps just to find pictures with you in!) - apologies for the poor formatting of the results page though.

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What camera was used to take the photos?

The photos were taken using a Sony CyberShot DSC-P31 digital camera - although some photos on the 'miscellaneous' pages were taken with a Nokia 7650 cameraphone.

What's with all the adverts?

Well if you 'click-through' on one of the ads and actually buy something, then the merchant will pay me a few pennies in commission - which helps meet the cost of maintaining the site.  I don't see any of your personal details even if it looks like you haven;t actually left this website - and you certainly won't be paying any more than by going direct to the merchant's website.

All the services advertised are either ones that I have used, or have been personally recommended to me.

What font is used on the website?

The site was designed using the Eurostile font and will look best if you have that font installed on your PC.  If you don't have it, you can download it here.

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