Well, OK maybe Australia, New Zealand and New York don't count as the whole world - but it felt like the whole world to me!  In early 2003, I meandered around parts of Australia & New Zealand and finished it off with a long weekend in New York on the way home.  I've seen some fantastic places and met some really great people along the way - this site is a collection of some of the pictures taken on my travels.

Earlier in the year, my farewell to Ireland was a trip down to Co. Kerry (via Newcastle upon Tyne - well who wants to take the direct route!), so I've added some pics of that holiday here too.  Later in the year, I visited Barcelona in Spain and various places in the UK and Ireland.

To see the pictures, simply click onto the appropriate flag!

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new zealand flag
usa flag
ireland flag
northumberland flag
city of london flag
spain flag

You can also leave comments for all to see in the guestbook, send me some feedback, or even listen to some music... fellow Contiki travellers may recognise one or two tracks!


More pictures are coming soon...

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