alice springs 1

To fly from Sydney to the Alice takes over 3 hours.

In Alice Springs I was joining up with a tour run by Contiki.  A week spent in the 'Red Centre' of Australia; in and around Alice Springs, Uluru (Ayre's Rock), Kings Canyon, etc.

Our first visit was to a desert park,  Then we went to see the site of the 'spring' that gives the town its name.  It was the site of an old telegraph station, part of the telegraph line linking South Australia to Darwin and onwards to the outside world.

This is a parade caterpillar.  Made up of scores of caterpillars joined nose to tail.  Not advisable to touch! (60kb) Alice Springs Desert Park (61kb) Another Parade Caterpillar (97kb)
This one has got separated, ahh (90kb) There should be a big bird in there somewhere - honest! (61kb) A wallaby resting in the sunshine (97kb)
Two wallabies resting in the sunshine! (62kb) DSC00973.jpg (108kb) An elusive emu (105kb)
The actual Alice Springs - although not a real spring! (64kb) The Todd River at Alice Springs (50kb) The original Alice Springs was the site of a telegraph station - in the background (73kb)
DSC00978.jpg (71kb) The town of Alice Springs.  Not exactly the prettiest town in the world. (55kb) Lucy tries to improve the town's look.  It's a tough job! (55kb)

alice springs desert park

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