alice springs 3

After one night at Glen Helen Gorge, we headed back towards Alice Springs for a 'Bush Tucker Experience'

Here we were told how the aboriginal people managed to live off the land for thousands of years; we were shown examples of 'bush tucker' and could sample a variety of yummy treats.  Such as seeds, berries, ants and most gruesome of all the witchetty grub - which looks like a giant maggot.

Only a few brave souls were tempted by the Wychetti grub; (I think only Graham, Mark Hannah and Attila had a go).  Apparently you have to put it in your mouth and crunch it because it 'explodes' in your mouth.  Just nibbling it will make a real mess.

As well as learning about 'bush tucker', our guide told us about aboriginal culture and the aboriginal theory of creation; the dreamtime.  Without a written history, information is passed down from generation to generation in the form of pictures, song and dance.  There were some aboriginal people from the Walpiri tribe with some quite beautiful art on display and for sale.  They also demonstrated some of their traditional dances at a corroborree - these dances being not for entertainment, but for education.

In the afternoon, we paid a visit to the RFDS station in Alice Springs - on the way back we stopped off at Simpson's Gap to have a group photo taken.

Mmmm, tasty! (73kb) Graham isn't really sure... spit or swallow! (77kb) Honey Ants... squeeze the ant to get the honey (63kb)
Now Graham's going to try to Wychetti Grub (44kb) Hannah's crunching one too (57kb) DSC01005.jpg (66kb)

mpeg video clip (4.11Mb)
DSC01007.jpg (65kb) DSC01008.jpg (60kb)
DSC01009.jpg (58kb) The Flying Doctor base in Alice (59kb) Simpson's Gap (43kb)
Brandy, Jimmy, Kristy, Jennie #5, Wes, Chris, Hannah, Gillian, Lindsey and Graham where he belongs (66kb) MC Paul on the mic (71kb) Look hard for the rainbow (45kb)

bush tucker experience

rfds central

northern territory flag

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