glen helen 1

In our second evening at Glen Helen Gorge, we had a chance to try our hands at cracking a whip and throwing a returning boomerang.  Although I got a few cracks of the whip, my boomerang failed to return.  In fact it looked more like a lawn mower blade whizzing around just inches from the ground.

Jimmy managed some spectacular throws of the boomerang - it actually came back.  I think each time it was just a bit too high for him to actually catch it.

As it was Matty's birthday (our Coach Captain) we had a bit of a bad taste/cross dressing party.  It's time to shame the guilty...!


Linda gets handy with the whip! (69kb) Strangely the girls did much better than the boys at getting the whip to crack (67kb) I'm certainly not going to mess with Linda! (67kb)
Sunset at Glen Helen (53kb) Paul & Graham (67kb) Lucy (64kb)
Despite the pink girly top and stripy socks, Chris tries to prove that he's in his sexual prime. (41kb) DSC01029.jpg (55kb) DSC01030.jpg (59kb)
>Michael got the pick of the charity shop (54kb) Jennys from the Bronx and Graham (56kb) Matty's spotted the Southern Cross (68kb)
Lucy (50kb) DSC01036.jpg (61kb) DSC01037.jpg (35kb)

map of the area

glen helen homestead

northern territory flag

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