glen helen 3

The party continues with the first of the Bad Taste Parades.

Matty's Birthday Cake (67kb) Jess shows her love for Big Kev - she'd even donate her appendix for him! (43kb) DSC01058.jpg (60kb)
Chris gets the point (54kb) Arse! (34kb) What a collection of poor taste! (57kb)
No it doesn't get any better on the second attempt (56kb) Still no improvement (55kb) DSC01065.jpg (44kb)
The Bad Taste Parade (59kb) Kristy demonstrates her favourite masturbation technique (55kb) Manu: "I tell you he was this big!" (65kb)
None of the men bothered to dress up specially (62kb) DSC01070.jpg (57kb) DSC01072.jpg (56kb)
northern territory flag

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