
glen helen 5

Alcohol is quite a big problem in some aboriginal communities.  So much so that many aboriginal tribes have declared themselves 'dry' and request that local bars and bottle shops do not serve aborigiones.  The bar at the Glen Helen homestead (like many others) actually has a stipuation in its licence that it cannot serve alcohol to aboriginal people.

One wonders if perhaps they should have done the same to us...


Manu : Shiny Emma (58kb) Pool competition tactics (58kb)
DSC01096.jpg (38kb) Emma, Hannah & Chris (58kb) Jennys from the Bronx, Victoria and Me (48kb)
DSC01101.jpg (47kb) DSC01102.jpg (48kb) DSC01103.jpg (47kb)
Hannah and Me (51kb) All hail to the ale! (51kb) Anyone else grow up in Hornsey? (42kb)
No, just us then (49kb) She's just told Monty Python's 'Joke' (57kb)  
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