king's creek 1

On the way to Kings Creek Station, we stopped off at Stuart's Well Roadhouse (aka Jim's Place) which has a singing dingo, by the name of Dinky.

ABC Central has a report on Dinky - including some audio.

At Kings Creek Station they farm camels. In fact they are Australia's biggest exporter of camels - and yes, they do export camels to Arabia!

Some people opted for a camel ride, whilst I chose to go quad-biking.

The Singing Dingo (46kb) DSC01111.jpg (51kb)  (40kb)
All quiet now (49kb) Mike is supplying illegal food colourings to the joey (48kb) DSC01115.jpg (50kb)
Camel farming (46kb) Quad biking (79kb) DSC01118.jpg (50kb)
  The Quad Bike Crew (66kb)  

abc central report on dinky the dingo

kings creek station

northern territory flag

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