uluru & kata tjuta scenic flight 4

Having made a circuit of both Uluru and Kata Tjuta, we headed back towards the airfield at Yulara.  On the way back, we spotted a heavy rain shower on our left hand side - luckily we landed before it caught up with us.

mpeg video clip (3.07 Mb) Uluru in the distance (32kb) The top of Kata Tjuta (47kb)
After the morning's rain, it would get even greener in a few days (52kb) Heading away from Kata Tjuta (41kb) You can see a heavy rain shower in the distance (47kb)
Trying to get a closer look (32kb) ... and we're getting closer! (33kb) These earth embankments could be seen in many places (53kb)
Graham assumes the Co-Pilot's duties (34kb) Coming into land at Yulara airfield (39kb)
northern territory flag

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