
After Adelaide it was a flight to Brisbane on Virgin Blue.  At Brisbane I was collecting a small campervan which would be my home for the following few weeks as I worked my way down the east coast of Australia, back towards Sydney.

Virgin Blue is the easyJet of Australia.  Although the in-flight service on Qantas is excellent, their internal flights are quite expensive.  Virgin Blue flights are quite cheap in comparison to Qantas, although they don't go to as many places.  Since I left Australia though, Virgin Blue have announced that they will shortly start flying from Sydney to Alice Springs - which will make it quite a bit cheaper.

Once I collected the campervan I headed north.  Originally I had intended travelling as far north as Rockhampton in order to see the Great Barrier Reef - but I needed to be back in Brisbane on the following Monday (it was now Friday afternoon) in order to visit the British Consulate.  I had manage to lose my passport back in Alice Springs and Brisbane was the first place I had been to since which had a British Consulate.  So instead of driving all the way to Rockhampton, I headed towards Bundaberg.

On the way I passed the famous Big Pineapple and Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo.  Bundaberg itself wasn't a particularly attractive place (although it did have a striking Post Office) so I continued north toward Bargara.

At Bargara I parked up opposite the beach for a couple of days' - it was a nice calm, relaxed sort of place.  From here it was possible to take a boat trip to the southern end of the Barrier Reef - but due to a bit of a tropical storm off the coast overnight, the boat trip wasn't running as the sea was a bit rough further out.

So I'll have to go all the way back to Australia one day, in order to see the Reef!


The Big Pineapple (59kb) There's a couple of them about (62kb) Bundaberg Post Office (51kb)
The northern beach at Bargara (46kb) DSC01527.jpg (91kb) Sunset at Bargara (71kb)
Sunset at Bargara (105kb) Sunset at Bargara (23kb) Sunset at Bargara (25kb)
  My campervan (27kb)  
virgin blue

big pineapple
queensland flag

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