red centre 1

Now I have a few days to explore the area in and around Alice Springs, before taking The Ghan to Adelaide.  The first theing I do is to collect a hire car; a Toyota Rav 4 - not the Ged-style girly hairdresser's 3-door version, but the hard 5-door super-tough desert version!

Then I decided to drive north from Alice Springs to cross the Tropic of Capricorn - and thence cut across country to try some of the unsealed highways - well, if you've got a 4x4 you might as well make the most of it!

The Tropic of Capricorn, north of Alice Springs (54kb) DSC01454.jpg (38kb) Road train (54kb)
And another... (47kb) Off the sealed highway... (47kb) My little friend, 611 299 (47kb)
DSC01466.jpg (55kb) Northern Territory Highway 12 (52kb) Just because they're not sealed doesn't mean they don't have road signs. (58kb)
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northern territory flag

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