newcastle 1

Well, a fair proportion of my 6 years in Newcastle upon Tyne was spent in The Victory.

Before setting off down under, a quick trip back to Newcastle was called for - and these are some of the shady-looking regulars of the Vic.

After collecting Ged and Lee in Newcastle, it was off to Ireland and my farewell tour of the Emerald Isle

Nicky & Ben (43kb) Scary Chris (aka Maxi Dodd) (29kb) Mr Cambell (50kb)
Ged bots cats & dogs (49kb) DSC00780.jpg (48kb) Abby & Me (43kb)
Michelle - she hates having her picture taken! (42kb) Elaine Hepplewhite hits the wine (40kb) Sarah trues to look coy (28kb)
Abby & Claire (42kb) Angie La-La and Helen (42kb) Hughsie and Biker Boy (52kb)
Angie and Jones the Techie (31kb) Angie and Jones the Techie (42kb) Angie (47kb)
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