new york 2

With only a few days in town, I confined myself to touristy things; open-top bus sightseeing tour; a boat trip around Manhattan; going up the Empire State building; a visit to the site of the World Trade Centre; the Guggenheim Museum and trolling around Central Park, Times Square, Broadway, Wall Street; Battery Park, SoHo and Greenwich Village.  So I had purchased a CityPass, a book of tickets to various attractions at a discount to the individual prices.

Getting around is very easy; a MetroCard costs only $4 a day (since increased to $7) and allows unlimited travel on the subway and buses - and with the grid system it's almost impossible to get lost.  Once I was told that 20 streets = 1 mile, you can even work out how far away a place is when you know the address.

A view of Liberty Island (35kb) DSC02050.jpg (85kb) Grand Central Station (73kb)
Pro-War Demo (84kb) DSC02057.jpg (49kb) The Chrysler Building (43kb)
My hotel was on East 34th Street, this was the nearest Subway station - quite ornate. (44kb) The express lines in the middle (48kb) A fast train whizzes by (38kb)
  Here comes my train! (36kb)  
citypass - new york
new york city flag

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