alice springs 4

My last night on the tour and we're back in Alice Springs.  And what better way to end the tour than by going out to the Overlanders Steakhouse to feast on kangaroo, emu, camel and crocodile... yum!  A real Drover's Blowout!

For the brave, you had the opportunity to have your jeans branded with the restaurant's mark.  I declined on the basis that I was wearing jeans made of thin linen!


DSC01369.jpg (56kb) Patriotic Amy (43kb) Attila, Paul and Damian have fun with wobble boards (63kb)
They'll do anything for a cheap thrill! (52kb) ... a sheep or two and a kangaroo... (37kb) Preparing to be branded (45kb)
Manu goes for the burn (51kb) Brace yourself Kristy (53kb) Paul and Mhari reckon they're part of the team! (39kb)
Paul gets wood (49kb) DSC01382.jpg (48kb) Ride those rafters! (41kb)
How many more can we get up there? (51kb) DSC01386.jpg (50kb) Alcohol... it's soooooooooooo good! (50kb)
overlanders steakhouse
northern territory flag

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