alice springs 5

After the breathtaking experience of the sunrise balloon ride, reality bites and it's time to say goodbye.  Whilst 5 people (including me) leave the tour in Alice Springs, the majority of them are continuing north towards Darwin.

It's been a fantastic week, I've seen some amazing sights and met some fantastic people.  I can highly recommend Contiki to anyone who fancies a holiday which is just that bit different!

So it's sad farewells all round, although I then find out that Alice and Sarah will also be on the same tour as me in New Zealand in a few weeks time!

So we wave goodbye at the hotel, whilst I cadge a lift into town to pick up my hire car - and start the next phase of my holiday...


Emma, Manu and me (51kb) Emma and me (47kb)
Hannah says goodbye to Alice and Sarah (75kb) Alice, Sarah and Mariko (42kb)
DSC01450.jpg (44kb) Alice, Rude Sarah, Marika and Yoshi (49kb)
Coach Captain Matty and Tour Manager Paul - and the lovely Contiki Coach... yes, it's even got carpet on the ceiling! (65kb)  
northern territory flag

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