king's canyon 2

Continuing on from the Garden of Eden, we continued on upwards until we reached the top.

It's not an easy climb, mainly due to the heat - regularly over 40°C at this time of year.  You also need to carry lots of water, at least 1 litre for each hour you're walking.

After King's Canyon we were heading off to Yulara, the Ayre's Rock Resort.  Stopping off at the Curtin Springs roadhouse on the way - where they have a few pens for looking after kangaroos that have been injured in collisions with vehicles on the highway.

DSC01153.jpg (87kb) There are some ducks living in the Garden of Eden (89kb) DSC01155.jpg (69kb)
The top of the canyon (56kb) Again, just see how smooth the sides are (60kb) Action Chris (57kb)
Hannah is somewhat braver than me (74kb) DSC01161.jpg (48kb) Well, we all made it to the top.  It took a long time, it was very hot - but it was definitely worth it! (60kb)
DSC01163.jpg (58kb) A red kanagaroo rescued from the highway after being hit by a vehicle (68kb) Yes, this is a road - there's even a petrol station on the left. (30kb)
curtin springs roadhouse
northern territory flag

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