kata tjuta - the olgas

After the Cultutal Centre, we headed off to Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) - where we were able to climb.  Including a stop at the 'shit pit' - what must be the world's smelliest public toilets.  Why the 'shit pit'?  Well that's exactly what it was!

It was climbing up Mt Olga that I managed to injure myself.  Whilst crossing a stream, I stepped on a rock which wasn't as secure as it looked and really twisted my ankle - but I still made it to the top.  Coming down again was very painful though and by the time we got back to Yulara I couldn't walk on it at all.  Thankfully Jess stepped in to act as nurse, strapping it up professionally so that it was completely better in 2 days.

Arriving at Kata Tjuta (30kb) DSC01205.jpg (49kb) DSC01206.jpg (57kb)
DSC01207.jpg (74kb) DSC01208.jpg (56kb) DSC01209.jpg (73kb)
At the highest point we could reach (62kb) At the highest point we could reach (70kb) Emma & Paul (76kb)
No flies on Manu! (59kb) DSC01214.jpg (68kb) DSC01215.jpg (68kb)
Having just rained, there were spectacular waterfalls here too. (49kb) Quite wet underfoot (43kb) Kata Tjuta from a distance (31kb)
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