uluru 2 - sunrise

The climb route was closed due to the weather - not surprising really, considering the amount of rain that had fallen.

The Anangu people (the local Aboriginal tribe) own the land around Uluru & Kata Tjuta and operate the national park in association with Parks Australia (the Australian Government's national parks agency).  The Anangu also run the Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre.  So after admiring the rock, we headed off to the Cultural Centre to learn more about it.

Whilst the Anangu do not prohibit people from climbing the rock, they do prefer you not to climb.  In the centre they explain why the rock is sacred to them and how they prefer to educate people into not climbing rather than banning it.  I have to say that I was convinced at the end of the explanations and had now decided not to climb the rock.





DSC01184.jpg (46kb) DSC01185.jpg (55kb) DSC01188.jpg (75kb)
DSC01191.jpg (57kb) I'm soaked through, but I don't care - it's an amazing sight. (55kb) There wouldn't normally be any water here (54kb)
Sarah, Alice and Hannah try to keep dry (61kb) DSC01195.jpg (62kb) You can just about make out some Aboriginal paintings in this cave (55kb)
Instant river - just add water! (75kb) DSC01198.jpg (37kb) A slightly moist Manu and Emma (40kb)

uluru-kata tjuta national park

uluru-kata tjuta cultural centre

northern territory flag

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