music ¯

Nothing stirs the memories like a bit of music, so here's a few tracks that send me straight back on my travels.


They like a 'morning song' on the Contiki tours... something to clear the cobwebs out of your head.  On my Contiki Australia tour it was loud enough to blast the wax out of yer ears...
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
mp3 file - 1.2Mb

Heard a couple of times on the coach - and a bit of an Aussie classic...
Chris Franklin - Bloke
mp3 file - 1.3 Mb

It's important not to forget our Coach Captain... Matty.
Ted Egan - Our Coach Captain
mp3 file - 1,1Mb

Here's a band that Emma introduced me to (thanks Emma) - Machine Gun Fellatio... they deserve a prize for the name alone!
MGF - Pussytown
mp3 file - 1.2 Mb

I didn't hear this track in Australia, but it's on the same album as Pussytown - and when I did get to hear it, I nearly hurt myself laughing!  It's full of rude words, so don't listen if you're easily offended.
MGF - (Let Me Be Your) Dirty F#!@ing Whore
MP3 file - 660kb

Triple J logo 

Triple J... it's a radio station - that's what the slogan says.  So it is - and a pretty good one at that, even the bizarre news jingle!  My constant companion whilst driving down the east coast in a campervan with only a dodgy FM radio for entertainment.  A bias towards contemporary Australian music, but they play good music from anywhere.  No Westlife or Scooter to be found here.
You will find Dr Karl though; he also does a slot on BBC Radio 5 Live's Up All Night programme.
You can listen to Triple J online.  Well why not indeed.

Played a lot on Triple J.
Turin Brakes - Pain Killer
MP3 file - 1.3Mb

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