newcastle 3

Not only my birthday, but it's Philippa'a birthday too - and her 21st no less!

A quick visit to look at the remains of Marsden Rock, which had a magnificent arch that sadly collapsed in 1996 and some other parts had to be demolished afterwards.  On one of the hottest days in June, Lee manages to get a sunburned head at the Superbikes Grand Prix apparently it was all Suzi Perry's fault!  Couldn't blame her for breaking the bike though...!

And for my birthday itself - the day is spent down on the Quayside.  In particular at the Free Trade (which along with the Trent House) is one of my fave bars anywhere.  According to the Observer the Free Trade is "a dump, but it's a superbly situated dump nonetheless.  Endearing in its scruffiness, the Free Trade is set high over the bend of the Tyne, with unparalleled city views.  Newcastle has a dearth of beer gardens but here, rather greedily, there's two."  And it has a free jukebox too!



Elaine and Birthday Girl Philippa (35kb) Birthday Balloons (41kb) After many birthday bevvies! (44kb)
DSC02247.jpg (51kb) The remains of Marsden Rock (56kb) Poor Lee, got a burnt heed! (32kb)
Lee on the Millennium Bridge (35kb) Odd pictures on the bridge shelters (43kb) The Baltic (44kb)
DSC02256.jpg (62kb) The view along the Tyne from the Free Trade - one the Toon's better pubs! (48kb) Nicky (23kb)
  Nicky and Ben (51kb)  
marsden rock - before the collapse

360° view of marsden rock area

360° views of newcastle

observer review of the free trade inn
Northumberland flag

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