ý   new zealand galleries - chapter 1


So it was goodbye to Australia and Kia Ora to New Zealand - which apparently means 'Welcome' in Maori.  I didn't know it was Maori, I only thought it was too orangey for crows and it was just for me and my dog.

New Zealand... the only country I've ever visited that has a dress code.  Yes, upon arriving at Auckland Airport, I had my shoes checked, not for bombs - but to make sure they were clean!  (There is a serious side, you had to declare any hiking boots and they checked them to make sure they had no soil or mud on them - this is part of the NZ quarantine regime).

Having left behind the world's largest island, or the world's smallest continent (depending on your point of view) I found myself in a country that seems to look at life a bit differently.  For example, they just couldn't be bothered naming things; the two main islands don't have a name, they're just called the north island and the south island; the lovely bay full of islands is just the Bay of Islands; and the beach with hot water springs is Hot Water Beach.  With that in mind, I decided to give Farewell Spit a miss - and as for Shag Point... well you'll see pictures from there later...

lonely planet guide to new zealand  
New Zealand flag      
7     australia galleries - chapter 2      
8     new zealand galleries - chapter 2      
9     home

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